
About Us

We help clients create the value they want, from individuals to private companies.  We help to measure, protect and enhance the things that matter most to them.

We offer businesses with creative, careful and thoughtful objective advice, expertise and specialist skills with aim of creating value, providing strategic, unbiased and objective advisory services which assist organisations in improving productivity and overall performance.

We care for our clients' business as our own. We share their ambitions and align our incentives with their objectives—so they know we're in this together.

Our Mission

The company mission is to serve SMEs that are in need of technical, and business strategy services. All projects will be chosen based on the availability of human resources, and each individual employee will be given the respect of a contract worker. Bakers Tilly Associates will implement and clearly communicate a performance review policy that applies to those at the bottom as well as the top of the leadership ladder. Credit will be given to the person who performed and compensation will be both financial and in the form of commendation.

Our Vision

“We intend to provide our customers with the best business consultancy experience from beginning to end, with a smart and easy business solutions with fast and quality Service"

Our Values

  • To maintain client satisfaction of at least 99%.
  • To keep overhead low.
  • To ensure professional marketing and presentation of services
  • To provide an active and functional website.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities

  • Define the problem through consultations, meetings and case studies;
  • Review and analyze information through different reports and researches;
  • Interview or facilitate focused group discussions with management and employees;
  • Develop and present recommendations for the management;
  • Develop plans and programs for change implementation in the organization;

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